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Originally Posted by HardcoreFitness, steroide anabolisant achat injection mastoral 10 mg.. Even for the seasoned individual who is accustomed to a regular injection of testosterone is often misguided in his methods especially when it comes to dosing; we can largely thank the multitude of bad information floating around the web for this problem. To be frank, there isn t a set one size-fits-all dose that will meet everyone s needs but we can establish guidelines and parameters to follow, steroide anabolisant achat injection mastoral 10 mg. Testosterone Injection for HRT. For the individual who has been prescribed hormone replacement therapy HRT if he receives a regular testosterone injection as part of this treatment, generally 250mg will be the max dose given, although a dose of 100mg-200mg every 7-14 days is a far more common testosterone injection for the HRT patient.